I am going to be doing a thirty-day blogging challenge. If any of you read The Magic Violinist's blog, then you've probably seen her version of it! I thought it was a great idea and an awesome way to officially get this blog started! Here's how it's going to go:
Day 1: a favorite song
Day 2: a favorite movie
Day 3: a favorite book
Day 4: a favorite television program
Day 5: a favorite quote
Day 6: a moment you wish you could relive
Day 7: five things you couldn't possibly live without
Day 8: a thank-you letter to someone who has changed your life
Day 9: a photo you took
Day 10: a photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11: a photo you've taken recently
Day 12: a song that you want played at your wedding (or was played)
Day 13: a guilty pleasure
Day 14: a vacation you would like to take
Day 15: a person that you admire
Day 16: a song that makes you cry
Day 17: an art piece
Day 18: a time when you felt passionate and alive
Day 19: a talent of yours
Day 20: a hobby of yours
Day 21: something that you know you do differently than other people
Day 22: a website
Day 23: a way in which you want to be remembered
Day 24: a movie no one would never expect you to love
Day 25: a recipe
Day 26: a childhood memory
Day 27: a physical feature that you love
Day 28: a scar you have and its story
Day 29: hopes, dreams, and plans that you have for the next 365 days
Day 30: a motto or philosophy
So, here goes. Wish me luck!
Day one--
A Favorite Song
Oh, this first one is SO hard! I love all country music. I love Taylor Swift the most. I love all of her songs equally (excepting "The Last Time." That song just doesn't sound like her!) But right now, my most favorite song is "Everything Has Changed."
It's the sixth single off Taylor Swift's album Red. (I just bought Red Saturday-- I was going to wait until Christmas, but I couldn't take it anymore! It was totally worth it. I've been driving my family crazy with the CD since.) I heard it for the first time on our local radio tonight, which makes it officially released!
"Everything Has Changed" is a beautiful song, co-written by Ed Sheeran and Taylor. The video features two kids, resembling Swift and Sheeran, at school. They are obviously good friends, and participate in several activities together. The song expresses the joy and uncertainty of a new relationship.
Every time I hear the song, I see the video in my mind. It reminds me of my first day of kindergarten: I was a new kid in a new town, a little girl with five years' experience of living in this world, and the new doctor's daughter. I had every right to be nervous. But for some reason, I wasn't. I made new friends within seconds of stepping off the school bus. The line "All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours" really has significant meaning to me, because the tall, red-headed girl who held the door for me soon became my best friend. Even though I'm homeschooled now, the scene in the music video involving the music room reminds me of how I take band classes at the school here. I can relate to the disorder, confusion, craziness, and frustrated music teacher (love you, Mrs. Liga!) when we get a new piece of music (we always work it out in the end, though).
You should definitely be proud of your newest single, Taylor! Here's the video: I highly recommend you watch it.
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