Tuesday, July 5, 2016

5 Things New Tumblr Users Need to Know

I set up a Tumblr blog a few months ago, and there were a few things I wish people had told me before I started.

1. Everyone is crazy. Everyone on Tumblr is obsessed with something: fandoms, politics, fashion, feminism, vegetarianism. They're all very dedicated. Be careful what you post because people can interpret things in a different way than you meant.
2. Porn blogs exist. And they follow you. Yes, I know. Lovely. I've never really been exposed to this kind of thing. This was not something I had a lot of trouble with on Blogger, but on Tumblr it's apparently very common. Imagine innocent me scrolling through my notifications, seeing a new follower, and excitedly clicking on their blog. Imagine the shock at what pops up. Something I did not know: if someone you don't know follows you or shows up in your notifications, make sure you let the profile picture load before you click on their url. Just about all porn blogs have nude profile pics, so look for that. For some reason they don't unfollow you if you don't immediately follow back like with other bots...? I don't know. Just wish I'd been warned.
3. Know what Superwholock is. You don't know? *gasp* Uncultured swine! Superwholock is a giant crossover fandom uniting fangirls (and boys) who watch Supernatural, Doctor Who, and BBC Sherlock. 1 in 3 Tumblr users is part of the Superwholock fandom.* If you want to get to know your Tumblr community, you've got to understand this complex fandom.
4. The mobile app is terrible. It's slow. Pictures don't load. You can't edit your blog. It takes up tons of memory and data. If you're someone who typically only visits social media on your phone, don't get Tumblr. Use the website at all costs. Otherwise you might break your phone throwing it across the room.

5. There is a difference between messaging, asks, and fanmail. I've been on Tumblr since September and I still don't know how to use any of them. The staff keeps making changes to it. I honestly can't help you.
*statistic I made up


  1. Ah yes number 2.. I tend to just block them right away but it's sad they exist!

  2. Oh and I made another blog for an online scrapbook of sorts

    1. Awesome! I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for stopping by! :D


    (I'm going to be starting one up soon so I may email you more questions cause I'm blonde. )

    1. Hehehe no prob. I'm always glad to hear from you.


Leave a message and I'll get back to you in 1-7 business years.