Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Collecting Thoughts

What if you could gather thoughts the way you can gather pebbles on the beach? Or butterflies with a net? Or blossoms into a bouquet? And you could just line them up neatly and consider them one by one?

My thoughts never seem to collect themselves that neatly. They gather like snowflakes into a drift during a blizzard, or a waterfall into a teacup.

I've had a lot of time to gather my thoughts this past week. School has been out due to statewide teacher strikes here in West Virginia. All of my work is completely done, for once, and I can... breathe? Read books? Sit idly without worrying about something academic that needs done? It's an odd feeling. 

Especially considering that this time last week I was so stressed and sleepless from the 12+ hours of homework I had, I broke down and claimed a mental health day. Which I never do. In my twelve years of school, I have never missed a class without a valid reason. Until now, apparently.

So it's nice to not be panicking. I kind of hope the teachers keep striking.

I'm a mess most of the time, if you haven't noticed.

Over the past few months, I've brought back my old habits one by one. I'm journaling again, reading books, turning everything into metaphors.  I want to start blogging again, too. Consistently™.

So this is my hesitant hello. *waves*

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