Saturday, July 1, 2017

hello july

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer."
--F. Scott Fitzgerald
So this is a June wrap-up of sorts (that's what the kids are doing these days, yes?) accompanied by random irrelevant pictures of leafy green things.

Books Read

-The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle
-The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie
-Alive by Scott Sigler
 -Winter by Marissa Meyer


-Vacation. June started out in Florida in Poppaw's two-bedroom summer home near St. Augustine. We went to Cumberland Island, the beach, Sea World, and the local swimming hole.
-Girls' State. This is an educational leadership-type camp about government that everyone told me would be a great idea. "Yeah, okay, maybe it'll push me to come out of my shell." Wrong. I mostly wanted to die the first four days and I cried profusely. It wasn't until the last two that things were bearable. I had an awesome roommate though and I got closer with the girls who came from my school. So it wasn't a total loss.
-Guinea pig. My friend's mom teaches preschool and she didn't want to keep the class pet anymore so she asked around if anyone wanted it. We now have a small cute creature named Cinderella who likes to eat loudly at two a.m.
-Paint Party. We had a paint party at church where I made a mess painted flowers.
-Instagram. I finally set up an account. The link is on my sidebar.
-Black Bears Game. My best friend took me to a baseball game in Morgantown. I still don't understand baseball but I have a new love for Kona Ice.
-Wonder Woman. I went to see this amazing movie with my dad and later with my close friend who was traumatized by the ending and would not let go of my arm. "Rebecca. Rebecca, no. Tell me he doesn't die. Nooooo this is not okay." 9/10, this was a quality film.


Goals Accomplished

-Go dairy-free. I'm technically intolerant to milk but I usually consume it anyway and deal with the consequences. I did some research and it seems like it might help my acne if I stop having dairy, so I'm giving it a shot. I did really well, except for at Girls' State, where my only consolation was a daily ice cream bar. ✔
-Start a bullet journal. ✔
-Start working out again.
-Clean out closet. I'll be trying out ThredUp this month and donating some clothes.✔

 Goals for July:

- stay dairy free
- use aforementioned bullet journal
- read 5 books
- take more pictures
-talk to people
I've got some more posts coming your way when I get back from visiting family. Happy July, everyone.


  1. This is a great wrap up!
    I loved Wonder Woman, too. I kind of zoned out for a few minutes during the ending, and when I finally zoned back in, I realized that someone was missing, and once I realized that he was dead I was like, "Whaaaaaattt?"

    1. RIGHT? I was so distressed when I figured out what he was going to do.
      Thanks for stopping by! :D


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