Monday, July 13, 2015

Reviewing My Latest Obsession: Christy

Usually when I haven't posted in a while it's because I'm really busy.  But this time it's been my latest media obsession:  Christy. My mom checked it out from the library once and said "Hey, thought you'd like this."  I don't think she was quite prepared for the full-on obsession that followed, though by now she ought to be used to it. :)

Image result for christy tv series
If you have ever heard of the author Catherine Marshall, then you've probably read her most famous book, titled simply, Christy. It's the story of a young woman teaching school as a missionary in rural Tennessee around 1912.  If you enjoy the Little House on the Prairie books, you would like Christy. And my period drama girls, I think you would love this.

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The book was an immense success.  Soon there was a TV series with the same name.  It's one of the few series aired on television with God as the center of every episode. The original TV show starred Kellie Martin (Christy), Tyne Daly (Miss Alice), Randall Batkinoff (David Grantland), and Stewart Finlay-McLennan (Dr. MacNeill).

Image result for christy tv series cast

The Pilot episode stuck to the book practically word-for-word. The rest of the original episodes were loosely-based around the book, and never contradicted it. (The director deserves a HUGE thank you for that!) It's family-friendly, full of action, and funny. Also, as I said before, it's pretty God-centered.

Image result for christy tv series scenes 

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Unfortunately, there are only two short seasons, and the series ends on a cliffhanger.

Luckily for me (who was panicking:  "Nonononono! No! NO! You can't just do that!") there are three made-for-television movies that finish it up. Christy:  Return to Cutter Gap; Christy:  A Change of Seasons; Christy:  A New Beginning. Only five of the original actors returned for these movies-- Opal and Tom McHone, Dr. MacNeill, Jeb Spencer, and Birds-eye Taylor. There was a new Christy and a new David and a new Miss Alice, which just didn't work for me.

This was probably the biggest mistake in these movies:  poor casting. Many of the new people aren't quite believable as their characters.  For the most part it's no fault of their own, they just don't look the part.

The other reason I didn't enjoy these as much was because they didn't stick to the plot. *SPOILER ALERT* Yes, dreadful Lundy dies like in the book, yes, Fairlight's death causes Christy to question her faith, yes Christy ends up with the same guy as in the book (I won't tell you who).  Other than that the storyline was hardly recognizable.

It also left several unanswered questions. What happened to Margaret? What about Daniel Scott?

Image result for christy catherine marshall
It was, though, God-centered, full of action, and humorous, so I give it points for that.
So, in summary:

+The book was lovely; it was great literature.
+The original TV series was equally awesome.
+The three made-for-television movies that came afterward... not so great.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find a new obsession....


  1. I LOVE this series! I've been watching it since I was a wee thing and I know practically all the episodes by heart. :-) It's such a great book, and they did the series so well. I'm glad you like it too!!

    I don't remember if I saw both of the TV movies that came later...I know I saw at least one, and I didn't care for it. Christy was different, David was different, blaahhhh.

    But yeah, the book is AMAZING. I absolutely loved it.


    1. Isn't it wonderful! I love this series so much, too. :D Thanks for stopping by!


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