Sunday, September 28, 2014

October Madness!!!

(This will be a short post since it's already 9:30 and I still have a math quiz to study for.)

 I am really looking forward to the next month! 
"I remember it as October days are always remembered, cloudless, maple-flavored, the air gold and so clean it quivers." Leif Enger
Okay, as y'all know, there are only a few hours left in September. Which means that next month is October-- which means:

  • I will have a new baby brother in the next month! (Number six-- poor thing, can he handle being the youngest of so many kids?)
  • There is only one month to NaNoWriMo!
  • We will probably have snow in less than a month!
  • The annual Autumn Glory festival over in Maryland!
  • Hello to hot cider, oversized sweatshirts every day, and sneaking my cats into my bedroom!
  • I take the PSAT test! (Which I am incredibly nervous about!)
  • The annual barn dance!
  • About a million birthdays in my family! (October's our month, apparently.)
  • Halloween! Although at my house, it's Reformation Day.
  • Writing tons of spooky stories to match the mood of this gloomy month!
What about you? What are you looking forward to in October?


  1. They say (and by they I mean me) that October isn't really a month, just preparation for NaNoWriMo.And I think you've probably covered about everything in this list--except for the PSAT. I took it last year. (My advice: don't stress out about it. You'll do great)
    My favorite thing about October is coming in from a long hard day of raking leaves off the property and enjoying a cup of tea.
    great post (:

    1. I agree with "them." :) October really is just planning for NaNoWriMo. Planning is such a little word and you wouldn't expect it to be so time-consuming! I've spent every spare moment thinking about my to-be-written novel. How's your NaNoWriMo novel-planning coming?
      Thanks. :) I'm mainly taking the PSAT for practice, since it doesn't count towards a scholarship until next year, but it's still fairly nerve-wracking.

  2. My favorite thing about October is cozying up with some hot chocolate and a good book...

    New follower!

    1. That's one of my favorite things, too! Sometimes I sneak some coffee with my book instead of hot chocolate, just to mix things up a bit. (Nobody tells Mom, okay?) ;)
      Thanks, Jubilee! <3


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