Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blogging Goals

Here are some goals I want to accomplish for my blog:

Get 10 followers by the end of 2014.
Post at least once a week.
Comment more regularly on other peoples' blogs.
Post more of my writing and leave it posted instead of panicking and deleting it.
Learn some basic HTML.
Make a button for my blog.

Goals I have accomplished:
Personalize a blog template.
Get ten comments.
Set up a Bloglovin' account.
Make pages to organize things.
Figure out how to add certain buttons to my sidebar.

What do you think of my goals? Tell me in the comments!


  1. Good for you for setting goals for yourself! :) I think you're well on your way. I tried following you through GFC, but it won't let me for some reason. :P I'll try again soon.

    1. I literally did a happy dance when I saw you'd commented on my blog! (I do happy dances a lot. My family thinks I'm crazy.) I've been reading your blog for a while, and I really admire the way you write. You have a gift with words.
      Thanks so much! I'm not sure why it won't let you follow. I'm still trying to figure out all this blog-following stuff.

    2. Aww, thank you so much. :) Your blog is fantastic (and I love your tagline--hilarious!). Ha ha, some stuff about blogging still confuses me. :P It won't let me follow on GFC, but you're on my Feedly, so consider me one more follower!

    3. Thanks! That's awesome. Jollygirl at has the same problem as me! Her GFC isn't working either. But she figured out that if you click the little square next to the icon, you can follow that way. Let me know if that works!


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