Hello! Remember me? I don't blame you if you don't. I got sucked into the crazy world of band geek/ honor student. So much to do, so little time to do it. But I made it back! I'm out of school for a few days, thanks to the County Fair. I've spent today going over my marching band music for the parade. Oh, and making pepperoni rolls. Yum. ;)
I decided a while ago to do a series of guest posts. To you guys who wanted to do the interview questions, thank you so much for your patience. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get them up. Anywho, here is one of them:
This guest post interview comes from the lovely Seriah, who blogs at The 221b Babysitter. She is one of my dearest friends and pen pals.
I decided a while ago to do a series of guest posts. To you guys who wanted to do the interview questions, thank you so much for your patience. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get them up. Anywho, here is one of them:
This guest post interview comes from the lovely Seriah, who blogs at The 221b Babysitter. She is one of my dearest friends and pen pals.
Occasionally, I have some pretty deep thoughts, and I thought I might like to share them. I also thought it might be a good way to keep people updated with the goings-on in my life, since at the time I didn't have a Facebook account. (I haven't been very good with that though... :P oops...)1. What inspired you to start blogging?
Chocolate.2. Do you like chocolate or vanilla better?
Favorite books: SHERLOCK HOOOOOOLMES!!!!3. Do you have any all-favorite books/movies/music/actors? You can name as many as you want.
Favorite movies: How to Train Your Dragon 1 & 2; Spider-Man 2 (the old one with Toby McGuire!); The Adventures of Tintin; Secretariat; Captain America; Big Hero 6... The list goes on.
Current Favorite Music: The PHAAAAN-tom of the OPERA!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can you tell I'm slightly obsessed? If you can't, just ask my family...)
As far as actors... Benedict Cumberbatch, Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, and Tom Hiddleston are all just ridiculously talented actors. I mean, have you SEEN Mr. Holmes or BBC's Sherlock???
Crafty. Anyone that knows me very well knows that I am terrible at any sport, ever. Except maybe kayak racing... Does that count?4. Do you like crafty things or more athletic things?
Summer. Or Fall. Or maybe Spring. It depends on the place. Spring back east is beautiful, spring out here in the desert is just windy. But with fall, there's sweaters!!! And in summer, there are campfires and camping...5. Favorite season?
People that didn't finish school or didn't go to college, yet still managed to completely rise above everyone's expectations and greatly impact the world. Mark Twain and Charles Dickens come to mind.6. Who inspires you the most?
Oh gosh. That's a pretty long list right there. Ummm...7. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Coming up with (and actually yodeling) a 30 second song on camera, knowing it will be seen by lots of people on YouTube... Being in a (filmed) car-chase... Trying to swing dance...having to turn someone's hair and beard grey with copious amounts of hairspray and cornstarch for a theatre production... Running through a field of pricker-bushes while tied to five other people searching for PVC pipes... Doing someone's hair between scenes in the dark...(also theatre)...Trying to write a five minute audio drama in a day and a half... Yeah....
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle8. Who is your favorite author?
(Why must you make me choose only one?!?!)
The Chronicles of Narnia, the Silver Chair. (It's actually the only play I've been in as an actor, but I've also been in two musicall-y type things.) I had the role of the lead female, Jill Pole, friend and fellow student at Experiment House with Eustace Clarence Scrubb; and they both get pulled into Narnia together. I wish we could get together a reunion party for the cast. I miss that show so much!!!!9. Favorite play that you've been in?
A bicycling tour of Ireland/England--I would love to see the places where CS Lewis lived!!!!10. Dream vacation?
A professional writer, singer, and actress.11. What would you like to be when you're older?
The 221b Babysitter stems from my love of Holmes--I actually have the famous address stuck to my bedroom door. I am also my family's main free babysitter--I work for Starbucks and pens.12. What's the story behind your blog name?
Once again, there's kind of a list, but the one that comes to mind immediately is the memory of my first time swing dancing. I was making tons of mistakes, but my partner was great, and didn't mind. We were dancing outside in a crowded, dimly lit courtyard, and towards the end, I was spinning so much that all the lights and faces and dance steps just kind of blurred into a single happy memory that I could've lived in forever.13. What never fails to make you smile?